Most of us have the tendency to accumulate a lot of items, placing them all over our home. We may even end up cluttering the bedroom with stuff that might not exactly be suitable for such a location. Even if we don’t realize it, how we arrange items in our bedroom can affect the way we sleep. But how can you declutter your bedroom space for better sleep? Let’s find out!
Why is clutter bad for your sleep?
The main problem with clutter in your bedroom is that it will weigh on you as a task that needs to be dealt with.
When you see clutter in the bedroom, your brain will automatically focus on tasking out a way to eliminate this.
Be it consciously or unconsciously, clutter – such as clothes strewn over bedroom furniture – ends up putting pressure on your mind, even though you may have lived with the clutter most of your life.
The main purpose of a bedroom is to relax and sleep. Eliminate clutter and create inviting open space so you can focus on getting restful sleep.
Is it a good idea to declutter your bedroom if you want to sleep better?
The best thing that you can do is to keep a minimalist bedroom space. If you remove clutter and just have your bed and a few items you really need, you may sleep a lot easier.
Clutter and items in general are distractions in your bedroom. The best way you can get a good night sleep is by removing bedroom clutter, giving your mind one less thing to contend with.
Even a few tiny steps to reducing bedroom clutter matters, so try to do that and it will be an amazing opportunity to improve your sleep!
In case you need reminding — sleep is essential to health.
Over time, ongoing lack of good sleep can impact our immune system, and can increase risks of health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity and depression. Lack of good sleep affects your eating habits, memory, ability to focus, and mood.
We spend about a third of our lives sleeping in our bedrooms. This fact is ample reason to make your bedroom into a comfortable, relaxing sleep sanctuary!
Tips to declutter your bedroom space for better sleep
Most experts recommend that the bedroom should only have things that will relax you. The following are some tips to help you declutter and simplify your bedroom space so that you can get the sleep you need.
1. Remove all items you don’t need
The first thing you want to do is to remove unnecessary items from your bedside table.
It’s rather simple to do and it will be a great start for the entire process. You want to put away or throw away items you don’t really use.
Clear the floor and surfaces as much as possible so your bedroom is a place to relax, to wind down, and to sleep.
2. Make sure your bed is simple and clean
Having too many throw pillows on your bed can end up being challenging as you prepare your sleep.
You may just want pillows that support your head as you prepare for sleep.
Vacuum your mattress, and flip and rotate your mattress every now and then.
Keep your mattress covers, bed sheets, and pillow cases clean as well. Dirty bedding will end up not bringing in comfort and good sleep.
3. Declutter the closet and the dresser 
Organize items in your closet and dresser if you can.
Any dirty clothes need to be removed from your closet and prepare for washing if possible.
Give away, donate, or throw out clothes and footwear that you have not worn in the last year or that no longer fits you. Streamline your wardrobe in the closet and dresser, placing similar clothing items together.
To maximize space, fold your clothes using the Kon-Marie way.
This method allows you to fit more in your drawers and allows you to see your clothes at a glance.
Use boxes and containers to organize drawers into sections to store bras, underwear, socks, makeup items, and so on. Pack and store away off-season clothing items, footwear, and accessories.
4. Declutter the bedroom walls
Keep only artwork and photos that makes you feel calm and peaceful. Choose art with soothing, soft colors and peaceful scenes. Likewise, for your bedroom walls, choose soothing, calming colors that relax the mind, and help promote good sleep.
5. Electronics are bad for sleep
Another thing to note is that electronics like phones, tablets, TVs and many others will interfere with your sleep. That’s because they are emitting blue light, which may keep you awake, and prevent you from falling asleep and getting good sleep.
Practise good sleep hygiene, and avoid, if possible, electronics in the evening, especially in the couple of hours leading up to bedtime.
6. Remove business documents
That’s really helpful. You would want to keep documents – such as to-do lists, bills, and work papers – out of the bedroom. They are distractions to winding down and to relaxing your mind in preparation for restful sleep.
Make your bedroom a hassle-free place and you will enjoy it a lot more!
7. Don’t add in too much new stuff
You do want to remove clutter, but at the same time you need to avoid adding more of it.
Because once you do that your bedroom will still be a bit hard to enjoy a good night’s sleep in.
8. Remove unwanted or unused large furniture
If you have many large furniture items in your bedroom, re-evaluate their need and consider removing some large furniture pieces to create inviting, open spaces. Keep the room simple to make space for calm energy.
9. Remove light clutter
Consider switching to softer lighting 1 to 2 hours prior to bedtime. Use heavy blackout curtains to help keep the bedroom dark and to help you sleep better at night.
10. Avoid or minimize noise clutter
Your sleeping environment should be dark and quiet. If sounds are preventing you from falling asleep, consider getting a white noise sound machine or a fan to help mask unwanted noise.
Declutter your bedroom for better sleep: Let’s get started!
- Put a plan in place. Break the big job into manageable steps.
- Invite a family member, friend, or close neighbor to help you in this important task.
- Remove large unwanted furniture to create more space.
- Decide what items you should throw out, what items you can donate, and what items you can give away.
- Getting rid of bedroom clutter will make you feel better and more relaxed, making it easier for you to get better sleep at night.
Final Words
One thing is certain, taking steps to declutter your bedroom space helps a lot.
Yes, it’s definitely not the simplest thing that you can do, but removing all the clutter in your bedroom will help you feel relaxed and prepare you for a much better sleep in the end.
Clear and make way for your bedroom to include only items you truly love.
Just try to take better care of yourself and start removing clutter from your bedroom to sleep better. It really works!
Other articles with bedroom design ideas to inspire you
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2 Responses
Great article! I am all for decluttering my bedroom in my one bedroom condo if it means creating a more restful sleep environment. What are some common mistakes people make when decluttering their bedrooms, and how can I avoid them?
Hi Jared, we’re glad you enjoyed reading our article.
Here are some common mistakes people make when decluttering their bedrooms, and how you can avoid them:
1. Not having a plan: One of the biggest mistakes people make when decluttering their bedrooms is not having a plan in place. Before you start, create a list of what you want to accomplish and how you plan to do it.
2. Holding onto sentimental items: Many people find it difficult to part with possessions that hold sentimental value, but holding onto too many of such items can result in clutter. To avoid this mistake, be selective about which items you keep, and consider displaying them in designated storage spaces, in a way that doesn’t take up valuable space.
3. Not being realistic about what you need: It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of minimalism and decluttering, but it’s important to be realistic about what you actually need in your bedroom. Don’t get rid of items that are necessary for your daily life or that bring you joy.
4. Trying to declutter too quickly: Decluttering your bedroom is a process, and it’s important to take your time to do it right. Trying to declutter too quickly can lead to mistakes and leave you feeling overwhelmed.
5. Not having a system for organizing: Once you’ve decluttered your bedroom, it’s important to have a system in place for organizing your belongings. Without a system, it’s easy to fall back into old habits and create clutter again.
6. Not being consistent: Decluttering your bedroom is a ongoing process, and it’s important to be consistent in maintaining a clutter-free environment. Make it a habit to regularly declutter and organize your space to avoid clutter from building up again.
By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create a more organized and restful bedroom that promotes better sleep and overall well-being.
We wish you the best of luck with decluttering your bedroom. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have during the process, or to update us on your progress.