
Sleep Well, Live Well

5 Unique Sleep Getaways in the World

Five Unique Sleep Getaways in the World

A getaway is fun and exciting, and it encourages you to break the norm by setting some time aside for yourself. Getaways allow you to leave the stress and anxiety behind. You get to have a lot of fun, experience new places and enjoy a lot of memorable moments. There are many unique and wonderful…
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What color noise is best for sleep

What Color Noise is Best for Sleep?

More than 30% of adults are not getting enough sleep every night. You may also be dealing with this problem, and you’re trying to find some ways to deal with it. If you’re experiencing difficulties falling asleep and getting adequate sleep, using noise as a sleep aid is an option that you can try. It…
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Which One Are You - an Evening Owl or a Morning Lark

Are You a Morning Lark or Evening Owl?

Are you a morning lark or are you an evening owl?  Read on to find out which one you are and how being either a morning lark or an evening owl can affect your sleep.   Some people are morning people and others are night owls. Whichever you are, there is one thing we all…
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Simple Foods that Help You to Sleep

Foods that Help You to Sleep

Sleep is the foundation of good health. Getting adequate quality sleep may boost your immune system, helps keep your brain healthy, and reduce your risk of developing certain chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and heart disease. The good news is that there are several foods you can eat before bed that can help you to sleep. Foods…
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Feng Shui your Bedroom for Better Sleep - by Simply Good Sleep

7 Simple Tips to Feng Shui Your Bedroom

Getting enough sleep at night is important for your physical, mental, emotional, and cognitive health and well-being.  If you’re having trouble sleeping at night despite your best attempts, then perhaps you should consider simple tips to Feng Shui your bedroom for better sleep.  Applying the Feng Shui approach to your bedroom can be a great way…
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Airport Sleep Pods - in Sleep-On-The-Go with Sleep Pods at Airports - by Simply Good Sleep

Sleep-On-The-Go with Sleep Pods at Airports

If you’ve had to spend a long time at an airport then you know how uncomfortable they can be. It’s almost impossible to have a nap out in the open in an airport. Even if you could somehow get to sleep on a bench, there’s still the risk that someone will steal your belongings or…
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Photo of Smart Bed Integrated with Smart Home Technology

What are Smart Mattresses & Smart Beds?

There’s a “smart” version of just about everything these days; smart locks, smart lightbulbs, smart speakers, smart watches, and now the future of sleep technology is here with smart mattresses (and smart beds). Connected technology has finally entered the bedroom with smart mattresses, which connect to other devices to track and monitor how you sleep…
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Photos of people snoring and keeping their partners awake - as posted on Snoring blog article by Simply Good Sleep

Snoring – what can you do about it?

Snoring is one of those problems that end up affecting our life and also the lives of people around us. This is noisy breathing during sleep and it’s rather common for people of all ages and for both genders. Around 90 million people snore in the US and similar high numbers can be found all…
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Images of Minimalist Bedrooms for Better Sleep

Declutter your bedroom for better sleep

Most of us have the tendency to accumulate a lot of items, placing them all over our home.  We may even end up cluttering the bedroom with stuff that might not exactly be suitable for such a location.  Even if we don’t realize it, how we arrange items in our bedroom can affect the way…
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Blue Light from an Electronic Device Can Affect Sleep Image - by Simply Good Sleep

Does blue light affect sleep?

Most of us spend time on our mobile tablets or phones before we go to sleep.  The problem with that is we end up dealing with lots of blue light exposure. But why is this blue light a concern?  Does blue light affect sleep?   In this article we will focus on why blue light is…
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