Category: Sleep Essentials

Sleep Well, Live Well

Tips to Keep the House Clean with Neato Robotic Vacuum While the Kids Are Home This Summer - Neato Robotic Vacuum Product Review - Simply Good Sleep

Tips to Keep the House Clean with Neato Robotic Vacuum

Ahh, the summer is here, and the kids are home! It’s a great time to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the work week and spend time with your family. But when the kids are home, it can be challenging to keep your house clean. You want to spend time with your kids,…
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Best Pillows for Side Sleepers - Simply Good Sleep

5 Best Pillows for Side Sleepers

If you sleep on your side and have recently found your neck bothering you, the culprit may be your pillow. Not all pillows are created equal in regard to how they support the neck and shoulders during sleep. The misalignment of the head and body while sleeping on your side means your neck will fall out…
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iSense Sleep Mattress - The Best Choice for Couples with Different Preferences - Review by Simply Good Sleep

iSense Sleep Mattress for Couples

Are you having trouble finding the best mattress that suits both your needs as a couple?   Well, the iSense sleep mattress for couples is a solution you will love for as long as you have a bed partner. This mattress is built using the most revolutionary smart bed technology that redefines how individuals with…
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Frontview of the Muse S Headband

Meditate & Sleep Better with Muse S Headband

Mееt the MUSE S hеаdbаnd: a smart wеаrаblе dеviсе with soft-touch ѕеnѕоrѕ that rеаdѕ уоur brain асtivitу, heart rаtе, brеаthing, аnd bоdу mоvеmеnt to givе уоu real-time fееdbасk to еnhаnсе уоur mеditаtiоn еxреriеnсе.   MUSE саmе out with its оriginаl brаin-ѕеnѕing mеditаtiоn hеаdbаnd in 2014. The next iteration of thе hеаdbаnd, the Muѕе S (whiсh…
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Simply Good Sleep Weighted Blanket

How to Buy the Best Weighted Blanket for Sleep

Recently more and more people started to use weighted blankets. Many people tout the benefits of weighted blankets for their ability to help manage stress and anxiety, and their potential as a sleep aid. When you are stressed, anxious, or tired, there is nothing better than a good hug to calm you down. The weighted blanket…
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Photo of Smart Bed Integrated with Smart Home Technology

What are Smart Mattresses & Smart Beds?

There’s a “smart” version of just about everything these days; smart locks, smart lightbulbs, smart speakers, smart watches, and now the future of sleep technology is here with smart mattresses (and smart beds). Connected technology has finally entered the bedroom with smart mattresses, which connect to other devices to track and monitor how you sleep…
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